INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH <p><strong>International Journal of Midwifery Research (IJMR) <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">E-ISSN 2798-7337</a> </strong> (Online/Electronic ISSN) was established and published by Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban, Indonesia</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Midwifery Research (IJMR)</strong> publishes articles in the field of Midwifery focusing on preconception, pregnancy, childbirth, maternity, breastfeeding, family planning, reproduction health, adolescent health, maternal health, child health, midwifery complementary, menopause, infertility as well as a variety of other fields related to those disciplines. The articles are research articles, case reports, and literature reviews. To be published in the journal, a manuscript must pass a meticulous editing process by the editors and review process and by competent peer reviewers with national and international reputation, making the articles presented in this journal qualified, updated, and informative. The manuscript must be written in English.</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Midwifery Research (IJMR)</strong> is published <strong>three times a year, in July, November and March</strong>.</p> Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2798-7337 <p><strong>International Journal of Midwifery Research </strong>is a scientific peer-reviewed which articles are freely available to be accessed, downloaded and used for research purposes. Manuscripts submitted to <strong>International Journal of Midwifery Research </strong><strong> </strong>are published under the terms of the<a href=""> Creative Commons License. </a>The terms of the license are:</p> <p><strong>Attribution</strong> — You must give <a href="">appropriate credit,</a> provide a link to the license, and <a href="">indicate if changes were made</a>. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.</p> <p><strong>ShareAlike</strong> — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the <a href="">same license</a> as the original.</p> <p><strong>No additional restrictions</strong> — You may not apply legal terms or <a href="">technological measures</a> that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p> Factors Influencing The Incidence Of Cervical Cancer In Patients At Adam Malik Hospital <p><strong>Background:</strong>&nbsp;Cancer&nbsp;cervix&nbsp;is&nbsp;disturbance&nbsp;growth&nbsp;mobile&nbsp;And&nbsp;is&nbsp;a group of diseases characterized by failure to control cell proliferation and maturation in cervical tissue .&nbsp;Asia&nbsp;Southeast occupies&nbsp;ranking&nbsp;fifth&nbsp;amount&nbsp;number&nbsp;incident&nbsp;And&nbsp;death&nbsp;the highest, namely 1.91% and 1.16% of people . <strong>Objective: </strong>to&nbsp;m analyzing&nbsp;Risk Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Cervical Cancer at the H. Adam Malik Central General Hospital, North Sumatra Province in 2024&nbsp;<strong>Method </strong>: This type of research is descriptive analytical.&nbsp;with design&nbsp;study&nbsp;<em>Cross Sectional </em>. The population is all those who have cervical cancer at H Adam Malik Hospital. A total of 42 people with a total sampling technique of 42 people. <strong>Results </strong>: The age of the respondents is mostly 35-45 years old, 25 people (60%), the majority of high school education is 21 people (51%), the majority of injections are 19 people (45%), the majority of cancer stage 2 is 21 people (50%). From the analysis of the chi square test of age with the stage of cervical cancer incidence, the results of the <em>p value </em>p = 0.571 and the results of the <em>square test of </em>contraceptive use with the incidence of cervical cancer <em>p value = 0.401 </em>that there is no relationship between age and contraceptive use with the stage of cancer . <strong>Conclusion </strong>: Factors that influence the occurrence of cervical cancer at Adam Malik Hospital in 2024 are age &gt;35 years, high school education, users of injectable contraceptives, stage 2, there is no relationship between age and contraceptives with the stage of cervical cancer. <strong>Suggestion: </strong>It is recommended to do early detection through the IVA test as early as possible so that the incidence of cervical cancer can be overcome earlier</p> Mesrida Simarmata Elvina Panjaitan Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.74 The Effect Of Woolwich Massage Therapy On The Flowness Of Breast Milk In Public Mothers At The Bulu Tuban Community Health Center <p><strong>Background</strong>: <strong><em>:</em></strong> Failure to breastfeed can cause several problems during the postpartum period. Breast care has an important role in this matter, one of which is by carrying out Woolwich massage on postpartum mothers. This study aims to find out whether Woolwich massage therapy has an effect on the smoothness of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers at the Bulu Community Health Cente Tuban Regency. <strong>Method:</strong> The research was conducted in July 2024 at the Bulu Tuban Community Health Center. The methodology used is quasy experiment. The independent variable is Woolwich massage while the dependent variable is smooth breastfeeding. The sample size was 16 respondents using a simple random sampling technique. Data processing uses the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test with a significance level of ρ &lt; α (0.05<em>).</em><strong>Result:</strong> All postpartum mothers experienced that their breast milk was not flowing smoothly before Woolwich massage therapy was carried out, all postpartum mothers experienced smooth milk production after Woolwich massage therapy. After carrying out statistical tests, it was found that the ρ-value was 0.000, so the ρ-value &lt;0.05 so that H₀ was rejected. This proves that there is an influence of Woolwich massage therapy on the smooth flow of breast milk in postpartum mothers at the Bulu Community Health Center Tuban Regency. <strong>Conclusion :</strong> The results of this study can provide input and information about the effect of Woolwich massage therapy on the smooth flow of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers so that health workers can optimize their provision of midwifery care to postpartum mothers</p> Mariyatul Qiftiyah Umu Qonitun Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.82 Factors Influencing Anemi In Pregnant Women At Trimurti Clinic <p><strong>Introduction </strong>: Anemia is a condition in which the mother's hemoglobin level is less than 11g/dl due to a lack of iron in red blood cells. The criteria for anemia can be divided into 3, namely mild, moderate and severe anemia . The impact of this anemia can be on the mother and baby. <strong>Objective </strong>: To analyze the factors that influence the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women at the Trimurti Clinic. <strong>Method:</strong>&nbsp;observational&nbsp;analytic&nbsp;with&nbsp;approach&nbsp;<em>cross</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>sectional</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>study </em>. <strong>Population and Sample: </strong>all pregnant women in the third trimester at the Trimurti Badar Setia Clinic, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, as many as 35 people with a total population sampling technique, the number of samples was 35 people. <strong>Place and time: </strong>Trimurti Badar Setia Clinic, Percut Sei Tuan District , Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, April-July 2024. <strong>Results </strong>: In terms of nutrition of pregnant women, it was found that the <em>p value </em>= 0.503 &gt; 0.05, so there is no relationship between the incidence of anemia and the nutritional status of respondents. From sleep patterns, the <em>p </em>value = 0.025 was found and in terms of socio-economics, the <em>p value </em>= 0.008 &lt;0.05 This means that there is a relationship between the incidence of anemia and the socio-economics of respondents at the Trimurti Clinic&nbsp;<strong>Conclusion </strong>: There is no relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia and there is a relationship between dietary patterns and socio-economics with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the third trimester at the Trimurti Clinic.</p> Resti Fauziah Rambe Mesrida Simarmata Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.78 The Relationship Between Diet Patterns And The Incidence Of Anemia In Pregnant Women At Datuk Bandar Community Health Center <p><strong>Introduction </strong>: Anemia is very dangerous in pregnancy because it can affect the mother and baby. The mother can experience poor body conditions because the blood does not carry enough oxygen and nutrients so that the body is inadequate in getting oxygen and nutrients . <strong>Objective </strong>: To analyze the Relationship between Pregnant Women's Eating Patterns in the Third Trimester and the incidence of anemia at the Datuk Bandar Health Center . <strong>Method:</strong>&nbsp;<em>observational </em>research&nbsp;to see if there is a relationship between diet and&nbsp;the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at the Datuk Bandar Health Center. <strong>Population and Sample: </strong>all pregnant women in the third trimester at the Datuk Bandar Health Center as many as 35 people with the total population sampling technique, the number of samples was 35 people.&nbsp;<strong>Place and time: </strong>At the Datuk Bandar Health Center, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjung Balai City, North Sumatra Province in February-April 2024. <strong>Results </strong>: Respondents with poor diet patterns were mostly anemic, 12 people (34%), while respondents with poor diet patterns were mostly not anemic, 20 people (57%). After the <em>chi square test was carried out </em>, the results showed that <em>the p value </em>was 0.000 , so there was a relationship between the respondents' diet patterns and the incidence of anemia in respondents at the Datuk Bandar Health Center, Datuk Bandar District, Tanjung Balai City, North Sumatra Province in 2024. Conclusion <strong>: </strong>There is a relationship between diet patterns and the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the third trimester at the Datuk Bandar Health Center in 2024</p> Delviani Zai Mesrida Simarmata Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.75 The Relationship Of Knowledge With Mother's Attitudes Pregnant About Gestational Diabetes Mellitus In Baru Village <p><strong>Background </strong>: Diabetes Mellitus Gestational (GDM) is incident improvement glucose in the mother pregnant sick from disturbance tolerance in mother pregnant . can happened to the mother pregnant Because happen improvement estrogen and progesterone hormones so increase hyperplasia pancreatic beta cells so insulin release increases and experiences resistance at the beginning pregnancy . Disorders vision , preeclampsia , fetus large , miscarriage , prolonged labor , premature , cesarean delivery <strong>Method </strong><strong>: </strong>Design study Which used in study This that is analytic correlation with approach <em>cross-sectional </em>. Time and place research : Research This held in June 2024 in New Village , Hinai District , The Land of the Rising Sun North Sumatra Province in 2024. Population and sample : population is Mother pregnant women in Desa Baru with a total sampling of 42 people. <strong>Result:</strong> Respondents majority knowledge Enough as much as 18 people (43%) and based on attitude majority positive as many as 33 people (79%).&nbsp; Chi square test results obtained is 0.002 . or (0.05). This is state There is connection between knowledge somebody with attitude against diabetes mellitus gestational . <strong>Conclusion :</strong> There is a relationship knowledge to attitude Mother pregnant about Diabetes Mellitus Gestational so need done improvement knowledge for mothers pregnant behave positive in prevention of diabetes mellitus Gestational</p> Tri Yuni Astuti Mesrida Simarmata Indrawan Syahputra Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.84 The Relationship Between Use Of 3 Monthly Contraceptive Injection And Menstrual Disorders At Gloria Clinic <p><strong>Introduction </strong>: Density population has a great influence on welfare and health population . Contraception is tools used​ in prevent the occurrence pregnancy.In​ election usage tool contraception can varies However own advantages and disadvantages of each method contraception. <strong>Purpose </strong>: To analyze long term relationship 3 month birth control injection with disturbance cycle menstruation <strong>Method </strong>: Research design survey analytics , with approach <em>cross sectional, </em>namely try dig how and why phenomenon That occurred . Population and Sample: all 3- monthly injectable birth control acceptors who experienced and did not experience experience disturbance at the time menstruation totaling 30 acceptors , the total sampling is then sample a total of 30 acceptors . Place and time : at the Gloria Clinic, Teluk Dalam Market, Teluk Dalam District , South Nias Regency, North Sumatra Province , April -June 2024. <strong>Results </strong>: Based on The results of the Chi-Square statistical test P= 0.000 (&lt;0.05) that There is Relationship between the duration of use of 3 - month injectable contraceptives and Disturbance Menstruation In Acceptors 3 Months Injectable Birth Control In Di Gloria Clinic, Teluk Dalam Market , Teluk Dalam District, South Nias Regency, North Sumatra Province , 2024 Conclusion <strong>: </strong>There is a relationship between the length of use 3 month birth control injection with disturbance cycle menstruation</p> Winda Kristiyani Mesrida Simarmata Boy Anugerah Laia Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.81 The Influence Of Booklet Media On Mothers Of Toddlers Regarding Immunization <p><strong>Introduction </strong>: Infant mortality rate is still high, one of which is caused by infectious diseases. These infectious diseases can be prevented by immunization.&nbsp;Immunization can prevent babies from Tuberculosis (TB), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Pertussis, Measles, and Polio . <strong>Purpose </strong>: Effect&nbsp;Media <em>Booklet </em>on Knowledge and Attitude of Mothers of Toddlers about Complete Immunization . <strong>Population and Sample: </strong>mothers who have toddlers aged 18-24 years at Rini Clinic as many as 40 people with total population sampling technique, the number of samples is 40 people.&nbsp;<strong>Place and time: </strong>at the Rini Midwife Clinic, Sunggal District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province on&nbsp;month&nbsp;May – June&nbsp;2024. <strong>Results </strong>: The majority of respondents aged 20-35 years were 24 people (60 % ), the majority of high school/equivalent education was 36 people ( 65 people), the majority of housewives were 23 people (58%), the majority of multigravida were 25 people (63%) . The mean score of knowledge before education was 53.38 and after education was 77.00. The attitude score before booklet media education was 15-25 and after the min-max was 22-29. From the <em>Paired T Test</em>&nbsp;The <em>P </em>value was found to be 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so Ha was accepted, namely that there was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes before and after <em>booklet media education </em>for pregnant women and mothers of toddlers.&nbsp;About Basic Immunization Before administration at the Rini Midwife Clinic, Sunggal District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province in 2024. <strong>Conclusion </strong>: There is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers before and after <em>booklet </em>media education&nbsp;About Basic Immunization at Rini Midwife Clinic, Sunggal District, Medan City, North Sumatra Province in 2024</p> Dewi Afrida Mesrida Simarmata Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY RESEARCH 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 4 2 10.47710/ijmr.v4i2.77